Saturday, December 13, 2014

Does Privacy Exist?

By: Ciara Cipriano

BLUE BELL, PA--As the expectation for education rises, students have found themselves surfing the web in order to develop their work and complete their assignments.  As they find themselves searching for sources, applying for jobs and networking through social media, they often forget that the internet tracks and documents their every move.  Since we rely on the internet for so much of what we do, we have come to a point where we have to ask ourselves, "Is there really such thing as internet privacy?"

     Internet privacy has been described in many different ways due to its relation to online users as well as the technologies and techniques that are being used.  According to, internet privacy is categorized into Non-Personally Identifiable Information and Personally Identifiable Information.  

     This information “involves the right or mandate of personal privacy concerning the storing, repurposing, provision to third-parties and displaying of information pertaining to oneself via the internet.”  But what does this mean to students and how should they protect themselves?

     There are two big differences between Non-Personally Identifiable Information and Personally Identifiable Information.  Non-Personally Identifiable Information is known as the information that is documented based off of a website's visitor activity.  This information creates interactions based off of an individual’s search activity or pages viewed.  Although this information may seem somewhat invasive, it is typically gathered through site visits and selections which are typically geared towards marketing and sales tactics.

     Personally Identifiable Information is a very different story.  According to "Media Today," Personally Identifiable Information is known as “the name, portal address or any other information that allows tracking down a specific person who owns a device.”  This information enables outside sources to locate individuals, ultimately putting them at risk to those outside sources.  Often it is also unintentionally revealed through social media, search engines and databases and has the power to jeopardize an individual’s personal life, education, career and, most importantly, safety.       

     Overall, in order for students to avoid these common situations, there is something they must know.  An internet user’s foot print is everywhere. So don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t put on an open post card and always remember, there is no such thing as internet privacy.

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